Circuit Design Library

During the 1990's to today AirBorn Electronics produced
custom electronics. The designs on this page are early
examples of our work, and are free to copy or use. Besides the fact WE still use the
circuits, we leave this page here as one example of an early, really quite beautiful,
style of rendering html.
You are welcome to use any of this material for reference or experimentation -
and if you manage to then go on and make a commercial success by using it, good for you.
No warranties are expressed or implied.
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HSETI1 - AT89C2051 project PCB
- 8 High current drive LED strings
- Speaker drive output
- Photo sensor input, adjustable sensitivity
- Unused lines (incl. serial port) available on pads
- Battery Powered
The small HSETI1 PCB is specifically copyright free. Individual diagrams are available on the
links below, and the complete HSETI PCB design is also online.
Australian Customers: You can get faster downloads on our AUSTRALIAN MIRROR
485hub1 - RS485 Active Hub (5 port)
- 5 signal buffered party line data ports
- Industrial grade pluggable wiring block connectors
- Handles all NRZ protocols (Protocol independent)
- Plugpack or 12v supply
Serial to Parallel converter
- 9600 Baud RS232 input - Alterable in software 1200 - 57,600 Baud
- Centronics style parallel output - Busy, 8 data lines, strobe
- Bidirectional - Parallel data tx'ed back out serial port when switch/signal asserted
- This PCB is the prototype board supplied with the PG2051 programmer.
RFkey1 - RF Key (Interrogative type)
- Challenge response authentication over 300MHz link
- Single chip microprocessor controlled
- Battery powered, status LED
- 90 x 50 x 23mm prototype
Sonar1 - Buddy line Sonar - direction finder
- Underwater recreational diving direction finder
- Ultrasonic Tx/Rx
- Magnetic coupled switches
- Backlit LCD display
- 12v Gel cell powered
RCM710 Electronic Scales
- Electronic scales with Fluro display and membrane Keyboard
- System capable, with RS232 interface
- Batching output control capability
This larger project has several pages of circuit diagram
Keyboard section for electronic scale project
A A full, complete technical documentation manual for the scale project is also available, making it the most complete example of our work on presentation here.
ICL 232 chip - RS232 To TTL Level translator PCB
- Dual RS232 to TTL Interface - two DB9 connectors
- DB9's are handshake looped
- 6 pin SIP TTL Interface connector
- Suitable for 8052MCRO PCB
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