AirBorn Electronics -- Products
These AirBorn Electronic products date from the 1990's -
replacements are still available if needed.
![[Picture: PG2051 Programmer]](../photo1/pg2051s2.jpg)
The AT89C2051 is a 20 pin 8051 compatible microprocessor (including serial port) with 2k of FLASH memory, available from Atmel (see The PG2051 erases, programs, and verifies AT89C2051 chips in 6 seconds. As the AT89C2051 devices are FLASH, they can be reprogrammed as often as needed.
The PG2051 may be connected to a PC or other host by a serial cable. The programmer interface is PC serial compatible, operates at 9600 Baud, and accepts standard Intel Hex files.
The programmer also has a test switch which allows the owner to check if an AT89C2051 is blank, working, programmed or failed in just one second - without needing the PC connected.
PG8951: A Programmer for the Atmel AT89C51 Family
- Erases & Programs AT89C51-55 FLASH CPU's
- Stand alone test switch, Red and Green LEDs
- PC Compatible serial
- Programs security bits, reads signatures, verifies
The Atmel AT89C51, AT89C52, AT89C55, AT89LV51, AT89LV52 and AT89S8252 are FLASH memory CPUs compatible with the 8051 instruction set. The PG8951 erases, programs and verifies these devices in 3 seconds per kilobyte of code written. As the devices are FLASH, they can be reprogrammed as often as needed.
The PG2051 may be connected to a PC or other host by a serial cable. The programmer interface is PC serial compatible, operates at 9600 Baud, and accepts standard Intel Hex files.
![[DB25--DB25 Serial Data Conversion unit]](../image1/chng52ps.jpg)
DB25--DB25 Serial Data Conversion unit - Custom programmed
One special line of design work we do is Serial Data Conversion units - manufacturing an interface to existing equipment or protocol. Sometimes the requirement is for Serial to Serial conversion (the unit pictured does this function), but more often one side is serial, and the other side is something special -
e.g. a set of relays, a DTMF telephone dialling interface, or totalisator meters.
The Units pictured are one of a line of standard hardware products we make - they are protocol converters. This particular D25-D25 converter fits in a standard inline case and supervises a modem.
Custom units to manage protocol conversion are available to order.
AntSpik1: RS232 Anti-spike
- Protects against spikes on RS232 COMs lines
- Miniature, In-Line, DB25
- 6ns, 6kv ESD SCR clamps
- Protects pins 1-8,20,22
- Fusible MetFilm resistors
RS232 surge protectors are available commercially from most computer retailers. However, these rather inferior devices usually contain just two metal oxide varistors from the RS232 data lines to ground. In the event of a high voltage, the cheap protectors divert the surge current through the ground of the computer (without limiting it) and even then they do not isolate the source of the surge from the computer RS232 data lines.
In Contrast AntSpik1 protects all the PC RS232 lines and limits the current surge through fusible metfilm series resistors. Should the surge be too great, the metfilm resistors blow open circuit, protecting the equipment. The current flowing into the computer ground is limited. Any surge voltages are clamped very quickly using SCR clamp devices. AntSpik1 is probably the best surge protection you can buy that can be placed in-line with the equipment in a standard DB25 enclosure.
RomEm2: Rom Emulator unit, 1 Megabit
- Emulates 27C256 to 27C010 type EPROMs
- Fast parallel download from PC
- Auto target reset
- Plugpack/target powered
- Addressable-Gangable
RomEm3: Rom Emulator unit, 1-8 Megabit
- Emulates 2764 to 27C080 type EPROMs
- Fast parallel download from PC
- Auto target reset
- Plugpack/target powered
- Addressable-Gangable